各位數位視野的網友,我是旅居瑞士的攝影師 Jean-Sebastien Monzani,非常感謝你閱讀這一段專訪。在最後,我有些心得感想與大家分享。首先,千萬不要被那些只考慮技巧和器材的攝影者所愚弄迷惑,以我為例,我的影像大部份都是使用老舊的手動對焦單眼相機以及便宜的50mm鏡頭所拍攝!技巧並非攝影世界的全部,同時,昂貴的器材也不必然帶來偉大的相片。請將你的注意力放在影像本身,注意光線,提昇好的構圖,那才是正途。
Thanks for reading this interview! Don't be fooled by people only concerned by cameras and technical aspects: most of my images could have been shot with an old manual SLR and a cheap 50mm lens! Technique is not everything, and you don't need expensive equipment to make great images. But pay attention to your image, look at the light, make a good composition. And that's it!
另外,Photoshop 並不神奇,如果你的原始影像本就糟糕,那麼,透過數位的方式來改進,也是相當有限的。最好的方式便是,重新再拍一張吧!攝影有時要靠運氣,如果你的作品中有 10% 的比例是具趣味性的,那麼,我要告訴你,這已是相當不錯的比例。
Another thing: Photoshop is not magic: if your image is bad, there are very little chances that you could improve it digitaly. It's better to shoot another one. Photography is also luck. If 10% of your production is interesting, it will already be a great amount!
最後,請放寬你的視野,不要忽略其它的影像來源,例如:廣告、電影... 等,到處都有為數可觀的影像。創意來自於你的心靈,而人類的心靈將因敏銳的觀察萬物而得到引領激發!
Don't forget to look at others' work: ads, movies... there are plenty of images everywhere. Creativity comes from inspiration, and inspiration is leaded by what you perceive everyday
“調整相片的色溫” - page 2.
色溫 2500 ° K 的結果
色溫 6500 ° K 的原圖。 |