毒奶粉事件 延燒全球
但是 偉大的祖國 連人奶都不放過
這是一則國外的報導 我大略翻譯一下(因為英文很破)
as follow:
義大利女性 麗塔 36歲 在義大利北部 帕瑪的購物中心 買了兩件"維多利亞的秘密"內衣
一件是黑色 一件為粉紅色 的性感內衣
穿戴數天後 發現胸部出現紅色不規則斑點 灼熱刺痛
皮膚科醫生診斷 疑似 "甲醛" 燒傷
麗塔表示 之前的維多利亞的秘密內衣 都沒問題 加工國是 印度
這次加了甲醛新內衣的 加工國 卻是 "中華人民共和國"
她出來發表 是希望所有的女性朋友注意 勿受到跟他同樣的傷害
維多利亞的秘密內衣的女性發言人也表示:公司非常嚴肅看待此事件 並進行內部調查 希望重拾消費者的信心...............
基於以上理由 建議不穿胸罩 兩點激凸 既可造福男性朋友 也可避免甲醛危害 兩全其美
甲醛在空氣中濃度超過 0.1mg/m3 會導致眼睛和黏膜細胞的傷害。在體內,甲醛可能導致蛋白質不可逆的與DNA鍵結。動物實驗顯示暴露在大劑量的甲醛中會使得鼻子與喉嚨致癌的機率增加。然而在大部份的建築內甲醛含量濃度不足以產生致癌性。U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 將甲醛分類為可能致癌物質,International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 則是分類為人類致癌物質。
以下附上網址及原文 以免落人口實 說是亂掰
Victoria's Secret bra blamed for woman's rash; "formaldehyde"(甲醛) suspected
Posted by James F. McCarty June 27, 2008 18:18PM
Categories: Business Impact, Health, News Impact
"Very Sexy" bra, from the Victoria's Secret online catalog.
Formaldehyde bras?
• Medhelp.com: "I also had a reaction to my bra"
• Medhelp.com: "Is it possible that I am allergic to the bra?"
• CBS 3 Philadelphia: Health Alert
Roberta Ritter of Parma thinks she knows Victoria's Secret, and she wants everyone else to know it, too.
Ritter, 36, contends in a class-action lawsuit that the intimate apparel merchant sold her bras soaked in chemicals that caused itchy rashes and painful
burns on her breasts.
She filed the lawsuit last month against Victoria's Secret and its Columbus-based parent, the Limited Brands Inc., in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas
Court. A judge has yet to decide whether to grant the suit class-action status.
In court papers, attorney John Climaco accused Victoria's Secret of peddling dangerous and defective products, of failing to warn customers about
unhealthy potential side effects and of fraud and negligence for selling unfit merchandise.
"I don't want any other women to have to go through what I did," Ritter said in a phone interview on Friday.
A spokeswoman for Victoria's Secret said the company is taking the complaints seriously and has launched an internal review.
"We will do everything we can to ensure our customers' continued confidence in and satisfaction with our products," said Tammy Roberts Myers in an e-
mailed statement.
She said she believes the company will prevail in the lawsuit.
In January, Ritter bought two bras -- a black satin Angels Secret Embrace and a pink satin Very Sexy push-up model -- for $42 apiece from the Victoria's
Secret store at the Parmatown Mall.
She said her skin began to itch after she wore the bras for a few days. The itch turned into a rash, and the rash developed into ugly red painful welts that
were hot to the touch, she said.
"I flipped out," Ritter said. "I knew it had to be the bra. I had perfectly shaped burns where the cups were."
Only then did she notice that her old reliable bras were made in India, but her new bras bore tags "Made in China."
Ritter contacted Victoria's Secret, where she said a service representative offered her replacement bras and a warning: "I guess you know what bras not
to wear now."
The company reps asked her to return the bras, but Ritter refused until she had figured out what had caused her skin problems.
A dermatologist told her the cause was likely "formaldehyde", a chemical used as a preservative in fabrics to help retain their shapes.
Ritter said her skin problems went away after about a month of cortisone cream and aloe treatments. But her concerns remain.
"I tell you, that scared me," Ritter said. "It put me out of commission for a month. I don't want to ever go through that again."
[ 本帖最後由 jamestaiwan 於 2008-9-30 14:55 編輯 ] |